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Ashtar on SEXGATE

"..You see one of the things that happens when you shut down, and you are not welcoming the Light into your being, is that all you have is some old programming.  You’re not connected with Source, you’re not connected with your higher self.  You’re pretty much operating from your third seal and below. 


"Oh and these ones do operate from below, believe me.  That is another thing that is about to break in the news.  Oh my some of the conservative minded people in your country, and around the world, are going to be very shocked at this, and of course they will try to lie their way out of it, but they won’t be able to.  Oh you want a name for it?  Humm!  We could call it scandal gate, but that’s one of many.


"Let’s just get it out there on the table.  It’s called sex-gate, and wait until it breaks.  It’s breaking now, and it’s going to be very big.  Do you recall that your previous president, Mr.Clinton, was impeached, not for all of the shady financial dealings that he did, not for the wars that he engaged in, and all of the different things that went on behind the scenes?  Do you remember why he was impeached?   Just wait until this hits the general airwaves.  They’re not going to be able to contain it much longer...


"We have one other little detail that we will put out, not to cause fear, but we want to have you understand that these ones are reacting, and reacting is the good word.  They’re quite panicked.


"Now they have all experienced a lot of fearful events.  They were mistreated as children in order that they would be able to grow up, and follow the programs as well as they have. So they do understand fear.  They have experienced fear, and traumas, so send them healing Light for that.." 


Excerpt from Ashtar Teleconference May 16, 2006  


© Susan Leland 2006.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.

Stay tuned for further developments.  Our next teleconference is scheduled for  Tuesday, October 17th.